Formation continue : MediationSuisse

Start: 24.02.2024

Place: Lausanne

Reduction for SCCM member: For the subscription, CSCM members pay the full price, they mention their belonging to CSMC and the price reduction (5%) will be given back to them later. (The online subscription does not allow for the deduction at the time of the subscription)


Mediation Suisse délivre des modules de formation continue pour les médiateurs / médiatrices accrédités FSM :

  • Modules courants (1 à 5)
  • Modules avancés (6 à 8)

Chaque module de formation continue se déroule sur 1 journée.

Les modules se basent sur la pratique.

Les modules peuvent se suivre à la carte. Seul le module 6 nécessite la participation au module 1.

Chaque module donne droit à une attestation de formation continue (FSM / CSMC) de 8 heures.

La pédagogie est dynamique et interactive.

L’inscription se fait en cliquant sur le(s) module(s) désiré(s).

Pour toute question sur les formations cliquer ici.

Prochaines dates (1er semestre 2024) :

Communiquer (Module 1) samedi 24.02.2024
Légitimer les récits (Module 2) samedi 23.03.2024
Aérer les émotions (Module 3) samedi 20.04.2024
Explorer les possibles (Module 4) samedi 18.05.2024
Concrétiser les possibles (Module 5) samedi 15.06.2024

Dates à définir (2e semestre 2024) :

Communiquer Plus (Module 6)
Expliciter la manipulation (Module 7)
Aborder la complexité (Module 8)


Strauss MLC Global Switzerland

This is a sophisticated, five-day, dispute resolution and negotiation executive training intended for professional development of business professionals, mediators, negotiators, law and non-law professionals. Presenting cutting edge dispute resolution strategies and best practices from worldrenowned faculty, this training will include an international roundtable on cross-cultural conflicts.

Further information

Register now

La pleine conscience pour médiateurs

Lieu: Morges

Conférencière:  Andrea Chakravartti

Réduction du prix pour les membres du CSMC: deux jours pour le prix d’un, soit CHF 300.- pour la formation complète = 2 jours

Notre réalité est volatile, incertaine, complexe et ambiguë. Dans une profession comme la nôtre, celle de médiateur, nous ne sommes pas épargnés par cette réalité. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque nous opérons dans un état d’agitation ? Nos capacités de prise de décision sont affectées négativement par des biais cognitifs et des croyances conditionnées moins utiles, qui peuvent à leur tour avoir un impact sur notre rôle.

La pleine conscience séculaire s’appuie sur les neurosciences, la psychologie positive et la science comportementale appliquée. Elle nous offre des techniques et des perspectives qui peuvent nous aider à atteindre la clarté, le calme et le bien-être – des éléments essentiels en tant que médiateurs.

Il s’agit d’un défi personnel et professionnel pour quiconque, surtout si vous êtes responsable du processus de gestion des conflits d’autrui.

Pour plus d’informations télécharger la brochure complète ici.

Pour vous inscrire

CEDR´s International Accreditation Programm – MST International

CEDR’s International Accreditation Programme is for highly experienced, practising mediators who want to differentiate themselves in the market and work in complex, high-level international conflicts and disputes.

The programme also includes assessment for CEDR’s leading international Mediator accreditation for non-accredited participants.

This training is exclusively for practising mediators as it will focus on advanced conflict engagement skills and processes requiring a high degree of experience. Places are limited and participation is subject to a brief application.

International Accreditation Programme – CEDR

Aranda Mediation Conference 2022

Event details


Aranda 2022 features more than 20 distinguished global leaders including senior diplomats, jurists, leaders of environmental and humanitarian agencies, and legal technology experts from around the world. Designed for a global audience, join us as we
discuss the latest developments in mediation and review the trends in hybrid dispute resolution processes, mediation advocacy, and public interest disputes.


  • Mediation and diplomacy
  • Fostering trust and shared interests
  • Integrating mediation and arbitration
  • Public interest disputes
  • Mediation and the implementation of UN Sustainable
  • Development Goals
  • Technology and creative problem-solving
  • Developments on the Singapore Convention
  • Third party funding for high stakes mediation
  • Managing power imbalances
    Rethinking justice norms
  • Innovations in mediation advocacy



CEDR Mediation Skills Training (virtual course)

This is a 6-day course with a weekend break in between of 12&13 March. The course is from 8am-17:00 (GMT)

Prize: GBP £4,150.00


Course Overview

In the first three days of the course you will be introduced to the general concept of mediation, the essential foundations for mediation like confidentiality, respect and empathy and its process framework of five mediation phases: preparation, opening, exploration, bargaining and concluding phase. The curriculum will be teached in an interactive way with the use of different case studies. In the second three days you will be assessed for the internationally recognizes CEDR accreditation. You will be given a mock case and be asked to mediate each phase of mediation with your clients and its lawyers.

The attendance of the CEDR Mediation Skills Training provides you with an international recognised CEDR accreditation (subject to passing the above mentioned assessments) to act as a mediator. Further, the practical and interactive approach of the training teaches you in-depth knowledge of effective communication techniques, negotiations skills, how to handle emotions and manage different needs and interests. Moreover, the knowledge and practice of the structured mediation process will give you more security in dealing with delicate situations and conflicts in general with clients and other mediators.


Your preparation and postprocessing

Study of CEDR Mediation Handbook and the Mediation Simulator on CEDR´s website (approximately 8 hours study time). Delivery of two papers reviewing a “Settlement Agreement“ and discussing your “Personal Reflection and Goals as Mediator”  (approximately 10 hours).


Accreditation by the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SCCM) 

CEDR is an institution recognized by the SCCM. The Mediator Skills Training will count towards the (re-)accreditation of individual members as a „Mediator SCCM“.

For more information and questions please click on the link below or contact Corina Bölsterli CEDR´s Swiss partner (


Further information and registration